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Friday, August 10, 2012

Morning sun- drawing

In this art of mine is applied with a variety of colors, though it look thronged.
A morning sun for a new day. A new colorful day. A new start of another activity of life on a day to day basis. Another day for a new experience filled with different emotions. Another day to correct the past mistakes and make no more regretful thing and decisions. And another that soon to be a yesterday.

what i want to be

I always want to be a famous designer who owned a designing company that holds fashion shows events.Like those famous designers in the industry that belong to the company like Victoria's Secrete, Calvin Klein, Prada, Louis Vuitton and etc.
Way back then when I was young, I developed my skills in art and what I really love most to draw are dresses. And there I've found my fashion.

Here are some of my designs.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Which is which?

I used to think of it, which is which? because sometimes I don't know what to answer which?

It's hard to point between two things or to choose which?

In my case, I have a difficulty on choosing which do I belong? I mean which is my home?

But for now it is clear to me which.

It just come up to my mind this difficulty of mine, when I was filling -up a paper, like a bio data or 

some other personal information paper to be filled-up.

It made me pause and think which.

But if my family was just there, whom I could used to asked which. I feel bad about it. Even though I

 used to laugh upon asking them, just to hide my feeling then.



Why some things we want or we like

we didn't get?

And yet, sometime we fall into a deep and 

long frustration about it,

Instead, make up a plan 

to pursue it.

Not knowing if could still have it.

Sometime it is poignant to 

our self.

Especially if we're not the one who decide for it.

And loathe because of it,

then we might be mischievous in time,

or worst , be impious to everyone.

Why blog?


We blog because we wanted to share and express our thoughts, and some information. I blog because it is a must- it is a requirement in one of my subject. Honestly I don't know how does it works in the first place. But later on I realized the significance of blogging. That it is a way of expressing ones thought, because everyone is uniquely different from each other and has different interest that they want to share through blogging. As it defined as a "journal" so its purpose does not go far beyond the thought.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

digital photo

''one band, one sound"

A university band in Foundation University. Now leaded by band instructor Mr. Jay  Cyrus V. Villanueva, a graduate in music, major in piano at Silliman University. The band was De-banded earlier months of 2011 due to luck training and few instrument which causes a bad performance.
At the same at the month of July it was reopened again when Mr. Villanueva applied. There it was, he raise  the band from a scratch. In which there were only few old members who's left in the band and few instrument. The call for audition increases the number of the member and slowly the quality of the band performance gets better, which revealed during the cultural presentation in the university last February.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

movie over view

In Time


IN TIME - Trailer PT by dmagianet

This movie is about on how important the time to a life. In which, every breath they take counts or their lives depends in time they have and time is money. People stops aging at 25 and a bonus of one year to live for you to buy and save time in order to live, but if you don't you'll die. In every country has a facade or a boundary that separates the poor and the rich. In the rural areas where there is a scarcity of time and where stealing of time is rampant, some beg and borrows in order to make it through the day. The rich on the other hand in the urban areas earn "decades" and becomes immortal.The poor dies young and the rich live immortally, that's how the systems works, although there is really enough time to every one to live and not to be an immortal.A man named Will Salas from the other side of the track happened to have a time more than a decade was falsey accused that he murdered the man who gave him the time he had. He is chased by the law and took his time and leaving him an our to live, but he escape and hostage the daughter of a time lender businessman. They become a lover and together they fight against the system and give time to the poor who almost run out of time.